How Much Does It Cost To Install Tile Roofing?


(1,500 sq.ft)
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Tile Roofing Installation Costs

Outdoor Cost Guides      Roofing      Tile Roofing Installation Costs

Tile roofing is a premium roofing option that offers more design aesthetic and may be a more effective roofing solution in some climates. The cost to install tile roofing is higher than standard asphalt shingles for a comparably-sized roof, but the exact costs will vary depending on a number of factors.

Tile roofing installation includes the cost of the tile and underlayment, as well as optional old roof removal, roof supports, and other factors. There are a lot of price variances depending on the type of tile that you choose, as well. Tile can be sealed for longevity and protection to create a stronger finish. Having this done will increase the total project cost.

By material: per sq.ft.

Item Unit Cost
Spanish tiles $2-$4 per sq.ft.
Scandia tiles $2-$4 per sq.ft.
Flat shake tiles $2.25-$2.50 per sq.ft.
Double Roman tiles $2.25-$5.00 per sq.ft.
Barrel tile $3.00-$6.50 per sq.ft.
Pantile $2.50 per sq.ft.
Frenchtiile $3.25-$3.95 per sq.ft.
Riviera tiles $3.00-$5.00 per sq.ft.

Tile roofing installation: 1,500 sq.ft., labor included in the tile material pricing.

Item Unit Cost Quantity Line Cost
Removal of the existing roof $10-$17.50 per sq.ft. 1,500 $15,000-$26,250
New underlayment $2.15-$2.86 per square foot 1,500 $3,225-$4,290
New roof supports $2,000-$6,000 1 $2,000-$6,000
Tile material $2-$8.50 per sq.ft. 1,500 $3,000-$12,750
Tile sealant (optional) $20-$40 per gallon 1 $20-$40
Total Cost $15-$48 1,500 $23,225-$72,555

Other considerations and costs

  • Roofing is a very labor-intensive job. You can expect to pay 50% more than other roofing styles and sometimes as much as three times more. However, they do provide up to 100 years of longevity when properly maintained.
  • Premium tiles are available, and you could spend upwards of $10 to $11 per square foot for custom or unique tiles for your roof.
  • Concrete-based tiles are usually the cheapest option. Clay and terracotta look nice but are heavy and difficult to install.
  • Permits and taxes are not included in this estimate.
  • You can customize your roof installation with glazing, colored tiles, or custom shapes, which will add a premium cost to the total project.
  • If your roof has a lot of angles or unique slopes, it may cost more for the labor to install a tile roof because of the increased difficulty and modifications required.

Check out our guide if you need a loan for your home improvement project.

DIY considerations

  • Tile roofing installation is not a DIY job. This project takes an experienced crew that has the right equipment to handle these heavy materials and install them properly.


  • Craftsman Estimator Costbook, complete series year 2019.
  • Latest prices found on Home Depot and other vendor Web sites.
  • Literature review of DIY Web sites.
How much does it cost to install tile roofing in your city?
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Cost by city

(1,500 sq.ft)
  • New York, NY$76,929
  • Bronx, NY$63,215
  • Brooklyn, NY$52,687
  • Philadelphia, PA$65,728
  • Washington, DC$57,036
  • Atlanta, GA$51,603
  • Miami, FL$46,933
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL$49,162
  • Minneapolis, MN$57,673
  • Chicago, IL$67,196
  • Houston, TX$69,308
  • San Antonio, TX$46,525
  • Austin, TX$52,680
  • Denver, CO$44,510
  • Phoenix, AZ$46,960
  • Las Vegas, NV$51,542
  • Los Angeles, CA$58,075
  • San Diego, CA$52,700
  • San Jose, CA$63,656
  • Seattle, WA$46,604

Local costs have been calculated by accounting for labor and material cost differences across different cities. To get accurate cost estimates, indicate yours: