How Much Does It Cost To Install An Aluminum Roof?


(1,500 sq.ft. roof)
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Aluminum Roof Costs

Outdoor Cost Guides      Roofing      Aluminum Roof Costs

Many people choose to have aluminum roofs on their homes because they can provide some excellent benefits. These types of roofs are a good option because they can last for as much as 50 years, which is longer than most other types of roofs. They look great, and if you live in an area with a lot of snow, you will find that it doesn’t stick to the roof as easily as it might asphalt shingles.

Because of the longevity of these types of roofs, you will also find that this is an environmentally friendly option to consider. The aluminum can also help to reflect heat, so you might notice that there is a drop in your energy expenditure for cooling the home. You can find a range of different types of aluminum roof styles available include panels and shingles. You can even find many different colors available for the roof, so it can match with the other homes in the area.

Aluminum roof installation: a roof that measures 1,500 square feet.

Item Unit Cost Quantity Line Cost
Aluminum roof material $5 per sq.ft. 1,500 $7,500
Labor Cost $4 per sq.ft. 1,500 $6,000
Total Cost $9 per sq.ft. 1,500 $13,500


Other considerations and costs

  • If you are only going to be making repairs to the aluminum roof, the costs will be much lower. You will likely only need to repair the areas that have been damaged.
  • The overall square footage of the roof, as well as the slope of the roof and any oddly shaped areas, will affect the price.
  • Be sure to have the roof inspected about twice a year just to make sure there are no issues with it. This is a good practice for any roof, not just aluminum.
  • If you need to remove an old roof, you will find that it is going to add substantially to the cost.

Check out our guide if you need a loan for your home improvement project.

DIY considerations

  • As with other types of roofing, this is not a safe DIY project to try to complete on your own. Instead, you will want to make sure to hire the professionals. You can make sure the roof remains clean of debris once it is installed to help maintain it.


  • Craftsman Estimator Costbook, complete series year 2019.
  • Latest prices found on Home Depot and other vendor Web sites.
  • Literature review of DIY Web sites.
How much does it cost to install an aluminum roof in your city?
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Cost by city

(1,500 sq.ft. roof)
  • New York, NY$21,686
  • Bronx, NY$17,820
  • Brooklyn, NY$14,852
  • Philadelphia, PA$18,529
  • Washington, DC$16,078
  • Atlanta, GA$14,547
  • Miami, FL$13,230
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL$13,859
  • Minneapolis, MN$16,258
  • Chicago, IL$18,942
  • Houston, TX$19,538
  • San Antonio, TX$13,115
  • Austin, TX$14,850
  • Denver, CO$12,547
  • Phoenix, AZ$13,238
  • Las Vegas, NV$14,529
  • Los Angeles, CA$16,371
  • San Diego, CA$14,856
  • San Jose, CA$17,944
  • Seattle, WA$13,137

Local costs have been calculated by accounting for labor and material cost differences across different cities. To get accurate cost estimates, indicate yours: