How Much Does It Cost To Build An In-Ground Swimming Pool?


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In-Ground Swimming Pool Costs

Outdoor Cost Guides      Swimming Pool Construction      In-Ground Swimming Pool Costs

There are so many variables involved in the installation of an in-ground swimming pool. Fortunately, you can calculate a project budget as long as you have the right information. Two of the biggest factors affecting the cost of installing a pool are its size and the material that it is constructed from.

In-ground swimming pool installation requires you to think about more than just installation costs, however. You also have to budget for the lifetime ownership expenses of an in-ground pool. Many people opt for above-ground pools because they have lower operating costs and fewer maintenance requirements. You will also pay more for a pool replacement than a new installation because of the removal process.

In-ground pool building: by material, 12’x24’.

Item Unit Cost Quantity Cost
Fiberglass $75-$139 per sq.ft. 288 $21,024-$40,032
Concrete/gunite $104-$174 per sq.ft. 288 $29,952-$50,112
Vinyl liner $52-$87 per sq.ft. 288 $14,976-$25,056
Material Cost $52-$174 per sq.ft. 288 $14,976-$50,112
Labor Cost $5.50-$35 per sq.ft. 288 $1,440-$10,080
Total Cost $57-$209 per sq.ft. 288 $16,416-$60,192


Other considerations and costs

  • Although some people are still installing concrete pools and vinyl liners, fiberglass offers the most cost-effective option for a pool. It is affordable to install and requires the least amount of maintenance. Most packages even include a warranty or maintenance plan.
  • Concrete pools also require as much as five times the upkeep of fiberglass pools, which means that they could cost thousands of dollars to maintain over the years. While they are still popular among some people, the expense of maintenance isn’t worth it to most people.
  • Pool kits are changing the way that pros and DIYers install pools. Paying all the expenses separately could get quite costly. A kit typically includes all materials and expenses to get the pool up and running and ready to use and is offered at a cheaper rate because you’re purchasing it all from the same place.
  • Remember to account for things like ladders and steps, concrete around the pool, and other finishing details if you don’t choose a pool package.

DIY considerations

  • In-ground pool installation is typically not a DIY job. You may be able to assist with the construction and installation of a fiberglass or vinyl pool or hire your own helpers to do the work at a lower rate, but you should always have the work done by a certified professional that is familiar with pool installation.


  • Craftsman Estimator Costbook, complete series year 2019.
  • Latest prices found on Home Depot and other vendor Web sites.
  • Literature review of DIY Web sites.
How much does it cost to build an in-ground swimming pool in your city?
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Cost by city

  • New York, NY$61,042
  • Bronx, NY$50,160
  • Brooklyn, NY$41,806
  • Philadelphia, PA$52,154
  • Washington, DC$45,257
  • Atlanta, GA$40,946
  • Miami, FL$37,240
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL$39,009
  • Minneapolis, MN$45,763
  • Chicago, IL$53,319
  • Houston, TX$54,995
  • San Antonio, TX$36,917
  • Austin, TX$41,801
  • Denver, CO$35,318
  • Phoenix, AZ$37,262
  • Las Vegas, NV$40,898
  • Los Angeles, CA$46,082
  • San Diego, CA$41,817
  • San Jose, CA$50,510
  • Seattle, WA$36,979

Local costs have been calculated by accounting for labor and material cost differences across different cities. To get accurate cost estimates, indicate yours: