How Much Does It Cost To Build An Attached Garage?


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Build Attached Garage Costs

Outdoor Cost Guides      Garages, Sheds & Enclosures      Build Attached Garage Costs

Attached garage construction, often also referred to as a garage addition, requires extensive work and has a lot of variables involved in the cost. For the sake of estimating purposes, we will assume adding a garage that measures 26 feet x 26 feet. This space totals 676 square feet, with more than enough room for two cars and plenty of storage. Because of the large scale of these jobs, they are not considered DIY projects and should be done by licensed contractors.

If you are replacing an existing garage, you will have to factor in demolition and site preparation. This could be at an additional charge if it is performed by a professional, or you may be able to do some of the work yourself to save money on labor costs. You will also have to consider the necessary steps in the garage construction process, including: concrete slab and footings, roof trusses and a support system, siding and trim, roofing, windows and man doors, overhead doors, and electrical wiring, lighting, and electric opener installation.

Build Attached Garage: the labor and costs for an attached garage construction may be based on hourly rates, square footage, or a flat-rate project fee. Because of all the variables involved, the cost breakdown below includes a lot of flexible price averages.

Concrete work $1,500
Roofing $800 plus labor
Overhead garage doors $400-$3,000
Garage door opener $300
Vinyl siding $6,440
Windows and doors $300-$3,500
Electrical wiring $75 per hour when charged hourly
Carpentry $70 per hour when charged hourly
Total attached garage construction $7,500-$27,000

Other considerations and costs

  • These estimates don’t include permit fees or taxes
  • Landscaping and finishing work are not included in this estimate
  • Some services are billed differently, which is why there is so much variation in garage door costs.
  • Installation of a heating or cooling system or integration into the home’s HVAC system will incur an additional charge.
  • Check out our guide if you need a loan for your home improvement project
  • If you are a builder and need insurance check out our Builders Risk Insurance Guide

DIY considerations

  • You may be able to cut labor costs by handling finishing details or some of the prep work yourself. You cannot take on the entire project, but you can find little ways to help out and save.
  • Do not do any wiring or garage door opener work on your own. This should only be done by a licensed electrician or garage door installation technician.


  • Craftsman Estimator Costbook, complete series year 2019.
  • Latest prices found on Home Depot and other vendor Web sites.
  • Literature review of DIY Web sites.
How much does it cost to build an attached garage in your city?
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Cost by city

  • New York, NY$27,710
  • Bronx, NY$22,770
  • Brooklyn, NY$18,978
  • Philadelphia, PA$23,675
  • Washington, DC$20,544
  • Atlanta, GA$18,587
  • Miami, FL$16,905
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL$17,708
  • Minneapolis, MN$20,774
  • Chicago, IL$24,204
  • Houston, TX$24,965
  • San Antonio, TX$16,758
  • Austin, TX$18,975
  • Denver, CO$16,032
  • Phoenix, AZ$16,915
  • Las Vegas, NV$18,565
  • Los Angeles, CA$20,919
  • San Diego, CA$18,983
  • San Jose, CA$22,929
  • Seattle, WA$16,787

Local costs have been calculated by accounting for labor and material cost differences across different cities. To get accurate cost estimates, indicate yours: