How Much Does It Cost To Paint A Bathroom?


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Paint Bathroom Costs

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If you want to give your home an upgrade without spending too much time or money, painting the bathroom can be a great way to do it. Bathrooms tend to be one of the smaller rooms of the house, and it will generally only take a gallon or two of paint at most to provide you with the coverage needed. It is a cost-effective way of improving the look of your space.

When you are considering the cost of painting the bathroom, you will want to make sure that you know the number of square feet that will need to be painted. In some cases, you may need to include the ceiling in your measurements. It will depend on the type of ceiling that you have currently, of course.

When choosing paint, you will want to find a quality paint in the color that will match the mood of your bathroom. You might want to have the same color in a fresh coat, or you might find that you want to try something different entirely.

Bathroom painting: 50 sq.ft. bathroom, mid-range paint, materials, supplies, and labor.

Items Unit Cost Total Cost
Paint $30 per gallon (1-2 gallons for entire project) $30-$60
Labor $45 per hour, 2-3 hours needed $90-$135
Supplies $0.80-$1.20 per square foot $40-$60
Total Cost   $160-$255

Other considerations and costs

  • Consider the type of paint purchased. Because you are painting such a small area, it makes sense to get a high-quality paint that will be able to stand up to the moisture and the temperatures in the bathroom.
  • Taxes are not included in the prices.

DIY considerations

  • Painting the bathroom is a perfect DIY option, and it can be done by just about anyone as long as they have the right materials and equipment.
  • Make sure to move everything out of the bathroom before the painting begins.
  • Cover the fixtures and mirrors, tape around vents and windows, and put down a drop cloth to ensure you aren’t dripping paint on areas that you do not want to have painted.


  • Craftsman Estimator Costbook, complete series year 2019.
  • Latest prices found on Home Depot and other vendor Web sites.
  • Literature review of DIY Web sites.
How much does it cost to paint a bathroom in your city?
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Cost by city

  • New York, NY$321
  • Bronx, NY$264
  • Brooklyn, NY$220
  • Philadelphia, PA$274
  • Washington, DC$238
  • Atlanta, GA$216
  • Miami, FL$196
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL$205
  • Minneapolis, MN$241
  • Chicago, IL$281
  • Houston, TX$289
  • San Antonio, TX$194
  • Austin, TX$220
  • Denver, CO$186
  • Phoenix, AZ$196
  • Las Vegas, NV$215
  • Los Angeles, CA$243
  • San Diego, CA$220
  • San Jose, CA$266
  • Seattle, WA$195

Local costs have been calculated by accounting for labor and material cost differences across different cities. To get accurate cost estimates, indicate yours: