How Much Does It Cost To Install A Closet Organization System?


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Closet Organization Costs

Professionals & Services Cost Guides      Home Remodeling      Closet Organization Costs

Professionally designed and installed closet organization systems are so popular and so useful, there are entire stores and businesses dedicated to this work. A closet storage system usually works for a walk-in closet, but maybe put to use in a standard, single door closet (reach in rather than walk-in), too. The more elaborate the solutions used, however, the higher the price.

There are prefabricated solutions and customized solutions available through the professionals, and the materials chosen as well as the overall size of a project are what have the greatest effects on the final cost.

Closet organization system installation: 6’x8’ walk-in closet, custom system.

Item Unit Cost Quantity Cost
Materials: rod, shelving, drawers, lights, etc. $125 per sq.ft. 48 $6,000
Labor (electrician) $64 per hour 2 $128
Labor (carpenter) $38-$40 per hour 23 $874-$920
Total Cost $145.87-$146.83 per sq.ft. 48 $7,002-$7,048


Other considerations and costs

  • There are many prefabricated systems that are ready to be installed directly into a standard closet, and which can cost as little as $1,000 for materials, plus the average $38-$40 per hour for a handyman/carpenter to handle the install.
  • If a closet is not pre-existing, it can cost from $2,000-$6,000 to have a new structure incorporated into a home or space, and permits may also be required.
  • Materials play a huge role in the total cost and though the most commonly used materials on closet systems are particleboard and laminate, costly hardwoods are also an option but knock pricing substantially higher.
  • Some property owners also hire professional organizers at a rate of $50 to $150 per hour to manage clutter and help with the design process.

Check out our guide if you need a loan for your home improvement project.

DIY considerations

  • One of the most popular DIY home improvement projects is identified with a single word – organization. Whether it is organizing a garage, the kitchen or a single closet, it is an activity that millions are eager to do because it can so quickly improve everyday living. For those eager to do some closet organization, though, there are cheap and easy DIY options, but also more authoritative and effective solutions provided by professionals.
  • There is definite resale value to professional closet organization systems, and it will be very rewarding to work with experts when reorganizing or designing closets in a home. Though initial expense may be far greater than a DIY, the end result is typically more satisfactory and effective.


  • Craftsman Estimator Costbook, complete series year 2019.
  • Latest prices found on Home Depot and other vendor Web sites.
  • Literature review of DIY Web sites.
How much does it cost to install a closet organization system in your city?
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Cost by city

  • New York, NY$11,277
  • Bronx, NY$9,266
  • Brooklyn, NY$7,723
  • Philadelphia, PA$9,635
  • Washington, DC$8,361
  • Atlanta, GA$7,564
  • Miami, FL$6,880
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL$7,206
  • Minneapolis, MN$8,454
  • Chicago, IL$9,850
  • Houston, TX$10,160
  • San Antonio, TX$6,820
  • Austin, TX$7,722
  • Denver, CO$6,525
  • Phoenix, AZ$6,884
  • Las Vegas, NV$7,555
  • Los Angeles, CA$8,513
  • San Diego, CA$7,725
  • San Jose, CA$9,331
  • Seattle, WA$6,831

Local costs have been calculated by accounting for labor and material cost differences across different cities. To get accurate cost estimates, indicate yours: