How Much Does It Cost To Install A Dryer Vent?


(Colored ABS material, flush fit exterior, 4" duct)
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Dryer Vent Costs

Installing a dryer vent is a code compliant manner to move clothes-dryer air outdoors.

You will find that the cost to install an average dryer vent depends upon the construction material and finish of the house, the ventilation kit material quality and finish, and the labor rate.

In the following tables the Labor Cost figures are what the able DIY person should expect to save by performing the complete installation.

Dryer Vent: cut and install into a typical existing wood frame house, 4" diameter duct.

Item Unit Cost Quantity Line Cost
Exterior Vent Exhaust: fits 4" duct size, brown ABS, with back draft flapper and 11" tailpipe. $8 each 1 $8
Vent Kit: 10' of 4" PVC duct, clamps, 2 ells, mounts; tape, screws, drywall and siding repair, etc. $17 each 1 $17
Equipment and Material Cost $25 each 1 $25
+ Labor Cost $34 per hour 3 $102
Total Cost $127 each 1 $127

Dryer Vent: cut and install into a typical existing wood frame house, 4" diameter duct.

Item Unit Cost Quantity Line Cost
Exterior Vent Exhaust: flush fitting 4" duct size, ABS, with back draft flapper and 11" tailpipe. $20 each 1 $20
Vent Kit: 10' of 4" PVC duct, clamps, 2 ells, mounts; tape, screws, drywall and siding repair, etc. $17 each 1 $17
Equipment and Material Cost $37 each 1 $37
+ Labor Cost $34 per hour 3 $102
Total Cost $139 each 1 $139

Dryer Vent: cut and install into a typical existing wood frame house, 8" diameter duct.

Item Unit Cost Quantity Line Cost
Exterior Vent Exhaust: 8" duct size, galvanized steel, with spring back draft flapper and tailpipe. $31 each 1 $31
Vent Kit: 10' of 8" PVC duct, clamps, 2 ells, mounts; tape, screws, drywall and siding repair, etc. $28 each 1 $28
Equipment and Material Cost $59 each 1 $59
+ Labor Cost $34 per hour 4 $136
Total Cost $195 each 1 $195

Other considerations and costs

  • Taxes and permit fees are not included.

DIY considerations

  • The work may not be suitable for DIY because the house frame must be cut open and later sealed closed in order to pass the dryer vent tube to the exterior.


  • Craftsman Estimator Costbook, complete series year 2015.
  • Latest prices found on Home Depot and other vendor Web sites.
  • Literature review of DIY Web sites.
How much does it cost to install a dryer vent in your city?
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Cost by city

(Colored ABS material, flush fit exterior, 4" duct)
  • New York, NY$223
  • Bronx, NY$183
  • Brooklyn, NY$153
  • Philadelphia, PA$191
  • Washington, DC$166
  • Atlanta, GA$150
  • Miami, FL$136
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL$143
  • Minneapolis, MN$167
  • Chicago, IL$195
  • Houston, TX$201
  • San Antonio, TX$135
  • Austin, TX$153
  • Denver, CO$129
  • Phoenix, AZ$136
  • Las Vegas, NV$150
  • Los Angeles, CA$169
  • San Diego, CA$153
  • San Jose, CA$185
  • Seattle, WA$135

Local costs have been calculated by accounting for labor and material cost differences across different cities. To get accurate cost estimates, indicate yours: