How Much Does It Cost To Install A Septic Tank?


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Install Septic Tank Costs

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Many people shop for a home connected to city water and sewer because of the potential headaches caused by septic and well. A septic system is a household essential as it holds both grey and black water and helps to ensure that biodegradable and organic waste can breakdown naturally and, mostly, leach into the subsoil.

Septic systems are composed of an array of components, including a tank, and installing one (whether it is a new system or replacement) involves a surprising number of factors. The costs are never fixed or general because of this wide range of issues that might impact final costs. For example, to install a septic tank means determining: proper tank size, the tank’s material, soil composition, pitch of the land, permitting requirements, and charges to do the work.

Prices also vary depending on the type of system, and some systems can cost as much as $20,000 if they are aerobic or require complex pumping arrays to transport waste to a tank at a far distance from the home.

The preparatory steps for installing the tank are also quite costly, and most systems have to be designed and approved by engineers long before any excavation and materials can be installed.

Item Cost
Tank – Prices range widely based on gallon sizes, with options from 1k up to 3k possible $600-$4,000
Prep – Varies based on what is needed to excavate and prepare the land for tank placement $1,200-$4,500
Permits $1,000
Labor $1,500-$4,000
Total Costs $4,300-$13,500

Other considerations and costs

  • It can be frustrating for a homeowner to know that the cost to install a septic tank varies widely based on the type of tank. Your contractor may determine that the conditions and the lifespan of the tank translate to a more expensive option. For example, fiberglass is less prone to rust and damage but can shift around in certain kinds of soil. Concrete is more common but can break and requires inspection. Trusting in the advice of the contractor is the best way to go.
  • It is imperative to get bids before making a decision and working exclusively with companies offering up a proven track record. Ask for references and perform due diligence with local authorities to be sure they are up to the task.
  • Always obtain a written warranty for any new septic tank installation.
  • Maintenance agreements may seem costly, but all tanks will require pumping every one to three years, and an agreement may also help keep costs of annual inspections in check.

Check out our guide if you need a loan for your home improvement project.

DIY considerations

  • Quite plainly, septic tank installs are never going to be DIY. They require too many experts and formal approvals, and the best thing to do is seek bids and ensure you choose the right provider.


  • Craftsman Estimator Costbook, complete series year 2019.
  • Latest prices found on Home Depot and other vendor Web sites.
  • Literature review of DIY Web sites.
How much does it cost to install a septic tank in your city?
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Cost by city

  • New York, NY$14,297
  • Bronx, NY$11,748
  • Brooklyn, NY$9,791
  • Philadelphia, PA$12,215
  • Washington, DC$10,600
  • Atlanta, GA$9,590
  • Miami, FL$8,722
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL$9,136
  • Minneapolis, MN$10,718
  • Chicago, IL$12,488
  • Houston, TX$12,880
  • San Antonio, TX$8,646
  • Austin, TX$9,790
  • Denver, CO$8,272
  • Phoenix, AZ$8,727
  • Las Vegas, NV$9,579
  • Los Angeles, CA$10,793
  • San Diego, CA$9,794
  • San Jose, CA$11,830
  • Seattle, WA$8,661

Local costs have been calculated by accounting for labor and material cost differences across different cities. To get accurate cost estimates, indicate yours:

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