How Much Does It Cost To Install Plumbing For A Bahtroom Remodel?


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Plumbing for a Bathroom Remodel Costs

Professionals & Services Cost Guides      Plumbers      Plumbing for a Bathroom Remodel Costs

If you are doing more than just changing out the cabinets and the flooring, there is a chance that you might also need to have professional plumbing for the bathroom remodel. If you are going to be changing out the bathtub, the sink, and the toilet, you will at the very least want to have someone who can hook up the new fixtures and appliances to the current plumbing fittings.

Of course, you might be doing a full remodel that will require changing the location of some of the pipes. This is naturally more intensive and more expensive. It will also add time to the remodel’s completion.

When you are trying to calculate and budget for the remodeling, remember to include not only the cost for the plumbing but also the cost of everything else that is being remodeled and replaced in the bathroom. Also, keep in mind that the plumbing is an area where you will not want to skimp on the quality.

Plumbing for a bathroom remodel: installing new fixtures and 50 linear feet of plumbing.

Item Unit Cost Quantity Total Cost
New sink with faucet $150-$300 each 1 $150-$300
New shower with showerhead and faucets $100-$300 each 1 $100-$300
New toilet $120-$200 each 1 $120-$200
Plumbing pipe $2 per linear foot 50 $100
Labor Cost $65 per hour 10 $650
Total Cost $373-$516 per fixture 3 $1,120-$1,550


Other considerations and costs

  • Many factors contribute to the overall cost of the plumbing for a bathroom remodel, including the size of the bathroom and the number of plumbing fixtures, whether repairs need to be made at the same time, and the types of pipes and fixtures used.
  • The location will also be a factor when it comes to the cost of labor. Some areas of the country will be more expensive than others will.
  • When choosing a professional to take care of the plumbing for the bathroom remodel, be sure to get several quotes and choose a company with a great reputation
  • Taxes and permit fees are not included.

DIY considerations

  • DIY enthusiasts will be able to take care of some of the smaller jobs regarding plumbing, such as changing out fixtures and faucets.
  • However, those who need to have actual extensive plumbing for the bathroom remodel will want to hire a professional plumber.
  • You could opt to take care of cleanup and removal of materials, which could reduce the cost, but this will generally be taken care of by the plumbers as a part of their fees.


  • Craftsman Estimator Costbook, complete series year 2019.
  • Latest prices found on Home Depot and other vendor Web sites.
  • Literature review of DIY Web sites.
How much does it cost to install plumbing for a bahtroom remodel in your city?
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Cost by city

  • New York, NY$2,136
  • Bronx, NY$1,756
  • Brooklyn, NY$1,463
  • Philadelphia, PA$1,825
  • Washington, DC$1,584
  • Atlanta, GA$1,433
  • Miami, FL$1,303
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL$1,365
  • Minneapolis, MN$1,602
  • Chicago, IL$1,866
  • Houston, TX$1,925
  • San Antonio, TX$1,292
  • Austin, TX$1,463
  • Denver, CO$1,236
  • Phoenix, AZ$1,304
  • Las Vegas, NV$1,431
  • Los Angeles, CA$1,613
  • San Diego, CA$1,464
  • San Jose, CA$1,768
  • Seattle, WA$1,294

Local costs have been calculated by accounting for labor and material cost differences across different cities. To get accurate cost estimates, indicate yours: