How Much Does It Cost To Install An Outdoor Spigot?


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Outdoor Spigot Install Costs

Professionals & Services Cost Guides      Plumbers      Outdoor Spigot Install Costs

You never realize how valuable and important it is to have access to an outdoor spigot until you need one and don’t have it. Many homeowners also forget the importance of winterizing things like their outdoor faucet heads and spigots and the bib or fixture might crack or succumb to winter weather. Regardless of why an outdoor spigot install is needed, it is important to understand the average costs of the project and the various issues that impact that cost.

The factors that affect the price include the proximity of the spigot to existing plumbing, the parts needed, and the labor. Almost the entire price of an outdoor spigot install is the labor, and this is because the parts are relatively inexpensive and it is the time spent in running plumbing (if needed) and then doing the actual installation.

Outdoor spigot installation: a standard spigot of a basic variety only three feet from an interior water supply.

Item Cost
Materials: hose bib or spigot, copper plumbing, and other parts needed. $50-$100
Labor Cost $120-$300
Total Cost $170-$400


Other considerations and costs

  • The price for any permits is not included.
  • Some projects are so extensive that they tip the pricing scale at more than $3,000 and this is usually due to the distance of the spigot from the plumbing supply lines in the home. As an example, outdoor faucets are not simply those protruding from an exterior wall. They can include outdoor sinks at a distance from the home, yard hydrants, and even outdoor showers. The later range from as little as $500 and well over $4,000 to complete.
  • Running a line at a distance may also mean enlisting the help of excavation experts with access to a trenching machine and materials to run the water supplies safely at a distance. This averages around $250 per day of use of the machinery and $4 or more per linear foot of pipe and lining.
  • These are not prices suited to replacement or repair of outdoor faucets, however, as that costs roughly $200 and often requires expert help.

DIY considerations

  • There are too many factors that could lead to difficulties and even disasters inside the home as well as outdoors. While it might be possible to do costly and time-consuming steps such as drilling through a wall or hand digging trenches, to ensure it is done right, it is best to hire experts.


  • Craftsman Estimator Costbook, complete series year 2019.
  • Latest prices found on Home Depot and other vendor Web sites.
  • Literature review of DIY Web sites.
How much does it cost to install an outdoor spigot in your city?
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Cost by city

  • New York, NY$450
  • Bronx, NY$370
  • Brooklyn, NY$308
  • Philadelphia, PA$384
  • Washington, DC$333
  • Atlanta, GA$302
  • Miami, FL$274
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL$287
  • Minneapolis, MN$337
  • Chicago, IL$393
  • Houston, TX$405
  • San Antonio, TX$272
  • Austin, TX$308
  • Denver, CO$260
  • Phoenix, AZ$275
  • Las Vegas, NV$301
  • Los Angeles, CA$340
  • San Diego, CA$308
  • San Jose, CA$372
  • Seattle, WA$272

Local costs have been calculated by accounting for labor and material cost differences across different cities. To get accurate cost estimates, indicate yours: