How Much Does It Cost To Install A Mosquito Misting System?


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Mosquito Misting System Costs

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If you live in an area where you have to deal with constant harassment from mosquitos, getting a mosquito misting system could be a great solution. When you have one of these systems in place, you will once again be able to use your yard without the fear of getting eaten alive by mosquitos or even contracting a disease they carry. The misting system will make it more comfortable for you, your family and your guests to enjoy the pool, or just to sit in the backyard for a barbecue or some drinks.

There are many different types and sizes of mosquito misting systems available on the market today. Different solutions will work better for different types of homes, so make sure you are choosing the right option for your property. Once you have the system installed, you will find that there tends to be very little maintenance other than making sure you have pesticides available.

Mosquito misting system: a simple mosquito misting system in a 400 sq.ft. yard. It does not include the cost of the pesticide.

Item Cost
Misting system $1,100
Labor Cost $600
Total Cost $1,700


Other considerations and costs

  • The size of your yard and the area you need to mist for mosquitos is an important factor to consider when choosing the misting system. Make sure you have a unit that is powerful enough for your square footage.
  • In addition to the cost of the misting system, you also have to consider the cost of the insecticide. This will be an ongoing cost.
  • Make sure you are only using insecticides that are legal to use in your area.
  • To help reduce the number of mosquitos in the yard, make sure that you also remove any standing water that might be on the property.

DIY considerations

  • You can install the mosquito misting system on your own, and it can save you a substantial amount since you will not have to pay for installation.
  • The systems on the market will have instructions on how to install them, so make sure you are following those instructions exactly.


  • Craftsman Estimator Costbook, complete series year 2019.
  • Latest prices found on Home Depot and other vendor Web sites.
  • Literature review of DIY Web sites.
How much does it cost to install a mosquito misting system in your city?
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Cost by city

  • New York, NY$2,731
  • Bronx, NY$2,244
  • Brooklyn, NY$1,870
  • Philadelphia, PA$2,333
  • Washington, DC$2,025
  • Atlanta, GA$1,832
  • Miami, FL$1,666
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL$1,745
  • Minneapolis, MN$2,047
  • Chicago, IL$2,385
  • Houston, TX$2,460
  • San Antonio, TX$1,652
  • Austin, TX$1,870
  • Denver, CO$1,580
  • Phoenix, AZ$1,667
  • Las Vegas, NV$1,830
  • Los Angeles, CA$2,062
  • San Diego, CA$1,871
  • San Jose, CA$2,260
  • Seattle, WA$1,654

Local costs have been calculated by accounting for labor and material cost differences across different cities. To get accurate cost estimates, indicate yours: