How Much Does It Cost To Install An Interior Staircase?


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Interior Staircase Installation Costs

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An interior staircase can serve as a means to reach the second story in a home. It can also provide access to a basement or crawl space or connect multiple levels in a split-level home. The cost to install a staircase includes a number of variables, such as how long the staircase needs to be, how many steps there are, the materials used, and labor costs for professional installation.

Wood is the most common material used in interior staircases, but there are a number of other options available. Some people will also choose to have a finished flooring material added to the stairs upon completion, which will increase the cost of the project. The tables below cover the total average cost of staircase installation on the interior of a home, including materials, labor, and other expenses. In the second table, you’ll find material costs by type, listed at a per-step cost.

Interior staircase installation: 10-steps, made out of wood with wood stringers.

Item Unit Cost Quantity Cost
Custom-built staircase: materials for a 10-step staircase with wood stringers and steps $50-$250 per step 10 $500-$2,500
Labor Cost $45 per hour 8-16 $720-$1,440
Total Cost $122-$494 per step 10 $1,220-$4,940


Interior staircase installation: by material type and per step.

Item Unit Cost
Wood: the cheapest option, offers more variety for shapes/finishes. $30-$50 per step
Metal: durable, modern finish. $175 per step
Concrete: sleek, clean, most expensive option $300 per step


Other considerations and costs

  • Installing a staircase, even if it is prefabricated, is a dangerous job that requires technical knowledge of angles and other building details. Since staircases need to be completely sound, the work is best left to the professionals.
  • Taxes and any permit fees are not required, although permits are generally not required for interior projects like installing a staircase. Check with your contractor or municipality for permitting requirements.
  • This estimate does not include the cost of finish work, including painting, staining, or installing carpet on staircases. Handrails, balusters, and other details are included in total material costs, but adding more decorative pieces could increase the price of your project significantly.
  • If you add turns, platforms, or other details to the staircase, the cost will increase significantly. The cost estimates here are for a straight, basic staircase installation.

DIY considerations

  • Staircase kits are available, but that doesn’t mean that anyone can install an interior staircase. Unless you are an experienced carpenter or contractor yourself, it's best to leave the labor to the professionals. You can purchase kits or provide your own materials if it will help cut costs, however.


  • Craftsman Estimator Costbook, complete series year 2019.
  • Latest prices found on Home Depot and other vendor Web sites.
  • Literature review of DIY Web sites.
How much does it cost to install an interior staircase in your city?
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Cost by city

  • New York, NY$4,819
  • Bronx, NY$3,960
  • Brooklyn, NY$3,300
  • Philadelphia, PA$4,117
  • Washington, DC$3,573
  • Atlanta, GA$3,233
  • Miami, FL$2,940
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL$3,080
  • Minneapolis, MN$3,613
  • Chicago, IL$4,209
  • Houston, TX$4,342
  • San Antonio, TX$2,914
  • Austin, TX$3,300
  • Denver, CO$2,788
  • Phoenix, AZ$2,942
  • Las Vegas, NV$3,229
  • Los Angeles, CA$3,638
  • San Diego, CA$3,301
  • San Jose, CA$3,988
  • Seattle, WA$2,919

Local costs have been calculated by accounting for labor and material cost differences across different cities. To get accurate cost estimates, indicate yours: