How Much Does It Cost To Install Holiday Lights?


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Holiday Lights Installation Costs

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Professional Christmas and holiday light services are appearing more and more often in many areas of the country, and they are beneficial for many reasons. Firstly, they can save a home or business owner a tremendous amount by allowing them to have a full display without even buying the decorations. This is because the cost of holiday lights installation through one of the expert firms includes the rental of all of the décor.

Holiday lights installation: 1,500 sq.ft. home.

Item Cost
Labor: depending on the service chosen, the labor includes delivery of the décor, installation of lights and other items, take down when the season ends, and cleanup. $750 per house
Materials: the exterior or interiors lights, seasonal décor (even decorated trees and lighted garlands may be part of the offerings), and lawn décor are part of the materials. Additionally, any power cords and supplies, hangers and other items are included here. $300 per house
Takedown rates: not all companies roll takedown rates into the labor fees, and this often means packing up the materials rented in addition to simply taking them down. $150 fee
Total Cost $1,200 per house


Other considerations and costs

  • There are basic rates for LED strands or traditional lights, but most firms also offer upgrades and will include classic gum drop lights or even icicle strands if requested. This, however, can increase pricing by upwards of 20%.
  • Shopping around and asking about tiered services, such as interior-only, exterior-only, interior/exterior, and even landscape decorations can help you get the best price. As is so often the case, going with multiple options tends to come with a discount.
  • Multi-story homes or buildings usually end up with labor and materials costs double the basic rates.

DIY considerations

  • While we all understand that holiday light displays are an iconic DIY activity, if you don’t have the time, you no longer have to forgo the displaying of lights. These services enable you to affordably get the work done, and in a way that looks better than anything done by the layperson.


  • Craftsman Estimator Costbook, complete series year 2019.
  • Latest prices found on Home Depot and other vendor Web sites.
  • Literature review of DIY Web sites.
How much does it cost to install holiday lights in your city?
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Cost by city

  • New York, NY$1,928
  • Bronx, NY$1,584
  • Brooklyn, NY$1,320
  • Philadelphia, PA$1,647
  • Washington, DC$1,429
  • Atlanta, GA$1,293
  • Miami, FL$1,176
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL$1,232
  • Minneapolis, MN$1,445
  • Chicago, IL$1,684
  • Houston, TX$1,737
  • San Antonio, TX$1,166
  • Austin, TX$1,320
  • Denver, CO$1,115
  • Phoenix, AZ$1,177
  • Las Vegas, NV$1,292
  • Los Angeles, CA$1,455
  • San Diego, CA$1,321
  • San Jose, CA$1,595
  • Seattle, WA$1,168

Local costs have been calculated by accounting for labor and material cost differences across different cities. To get accurate cost estimates, indicate yours: