How Much Does It Cost To Install A Garage Insulation?


(1,400 sq.ft.)
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Garage Insulation Costs

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It does not matter if you live in a warm or cold climate; insulation is a necessity. It is done to help maintain as even and comfortable temperature as possible. It is also added to most garages. This is to make the space less likely to pull heated or cooled air from within the home (if attached) or to maintain a more amenable temperature if it is a free-standing structure. After all, it is better if hard freezing conditions do not occur in a garage where any number of materials are stored, and which may benefit from being held above freezing.

The cost of garage insulation will vary based on geographic location, the material selected and the overall size of the space.

Garage insulation: 1,400 sq.ft.

Item Unit Cost   Total Cost
R13-R19 insulation $0.73-$0.95 per square foot 1,400 $1,022-$1,330
Labor Cost $0.75-$1.00 per square foot


Total Cost $1.48-$1.95per square foot 1,400 $2,072-$2,730


Other considerations and costs

  • R-values and U-factors are ratings and you may find that your area has specific requirements when insulating or re-insulating a garage. R-13 insulation is suitable in moderate climates, R-19 insulation is suitable to harsher climates, but is not overkill in milder ones.
  • Always get a few estimates from different contractors and pay attention to what they suggest and charge. Waiting until the late fall or earlier winter season may get you a discount.
  • An energy audit may be needed. Your energy audit may reveal that you require home air sealing, which is just a way of using different barriers to trap or halt air flor that may be causing heated or cooled air to leak outside or indoors. There are many different techniques required, and typically sealing will cost anywhere from $300 to $600 depending on the work needed.
  • An audit may also indicate that the garage door(s) is a major issue, and as long as the homeowner is investing in insulation for the space, it makes good sense to determine if a new garage door (either the larger door through which vehicles pass or the door through which the home is accessed) is required.

DIY considerations

  • We do not recommend this as a DIY project. There are too many variables that the average homeowner does not know about, and it is best to work with experts who can give guaranteed results and performance.


  • Craftsman Estimator Costbook, complete series year 2019.
  • Latest prices found on Home Depot and other vendor Web sites.
  • Literature review of DIY Web sites.
How much does it cost to install a garage insulation in your city?
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Cost by city

(1,400 sq.ft.)
  • New York, NY$3,857
  • Bronx, NY$3,169
  • Brooklyn, NY$2,641
  • Philadelphia, PA$3,295
  • Washington, DC$2,860
  • Atlanta, GA$2,587
  • Miami, FL$2,353
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL$2,465
  • Minneapolis, MN$2,891
  • Chicago, IL$3,369
  • Houston, TX$3,475
  • San Antonio, TX$2,333
  • Austin, TX$2,641
  • Denver, CO$2,232
  • Phoenix, AZ$2,354
  • Las Vegas, NV$2,584
  • Los Angeles, CA$2,912
  • San Diego, CA$2,642
  • San Jose, CA$3,191
  • Seattle, WA$2,337

Local costs have been calculated by accounting for labor and material cost differences across different cities. To get accurate cost estimates, indicate yours: