How Much Does It Cost To Install Crown Molding?


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Crown Molding Costs

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Crown molding is a decorative finish that covers the sharp ceiling corners and offers a more attractive look and architectural interest to any space. Standard crown molding comes in a variety of styles and materials, and a certain level of skill is required for all of the intricate corner cuts and detail work. Materials are fairly inexpensive, depending on the ones that you choose, but labor costs can add up quickly if there is a lot of work involved.

In addition to carpentry and installation costs, professionals will also charge for the molding itself (unless you provide your own materials), setup, painting, finish work, and cleanup. Below is a table of average costs related to crown molding installation, including labor, materials, setup and cleanup fees, and other expenses. All costs are estimates and may vary based on your location and the exact scope of the work that you need to be done.

Crown molding installation: 12’x14’ room, 52 linear feet of materials, wood molding:

Item Cost
Materials- $3.50 per linear foot $182
Labor- $6-$12 per linear foot $312-$624
Setup/Cleanup- $15-$25 per hour, 1-2 hours total $15-$50
Total Average Cost $509-$856

Crown molding material costs, by material type:

Material Benefits Cost (per linear ft.)
Polystyrene/Foam Cheapest option $1-$2
Vinyl/PVC Cheap, more durable than foam $1-$3
MDF Less expensive than wood, more durable than other cheap options $1-$3
Wood Provides beautiful finish, can be stained or painted to match existing trim or woodwork $1-$6
Polyurethane Durable, less porous than wood, can still be painted to match $2-$6
Plaster Custom-molded finish for a unique architectural look $6-$15
Exotic Woods Custom finishes and unique looks, often more durable materials $10-$40
Metal Most durable, hardest to install but offers a longer lifespan $20-$30

Other considerations and costs

  • Many solid wood molding pieces don’t come primed, so you will need to stain or prime and paint them yourself or pay someone to do the work, which will increase your project costs.
  • Some materials can only be installed by a professional installer. In any case, the detail work involved in crown molding installation is probably best left to the professionals, to avoid a poor installation or causing damage that incurs additional charges.
  • Keep in mind that while some materials are less expensive to install, they may require more maintenance and repair over time. Find the balance of quality, affordable material that will give you the durability that you need.

DIY considerations

  • If you have advanced carpentry skills or experience with exact angle cuts, you may be able to install your own wood or MDF crown molding and save the labor costs. Keep in mind, however, that you will need a compound miter saw to make the necessary cuts, as well as a nail gun and other tools to install the molding.


  • Craftsman Estimator Costbook, complete series year 2019.
  • Latest prices found on Home Depot and other vendor Web sites.
  • Literature review of DIY Web sites.
How much does it cost to install crown molding in your city?
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Cost by city

  • New York, NY$1,092
  • Bronx, NY$898
  • Brooklyn, NY$748
  • Philadelphia, PA$933
  • Washington, DC$810
  • Atlanta, GA$733
  • Miami, FL$666
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL$698
  • Minneapolis, MN$819
  • Chicago, IL$954
  • Houston, TX$984
  • San Antonio, TX$661
  • Austin, TX$748
  • Denver, CO$632
  • Phoenix, AZ$667
  • Las Vegas, NV$732
  • Los Angeles, CA$825
  • San Diego, CA$748
  • San Jose, CA$904
  • Seattle, WA$662

Local costs have been calculated by accounting for labor and material cost differences across different cities. To get accurate cost estimates, indicate yours: