How Much Does It Cost To Install A Ceramic Tile Shower?


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Ceramic Tile Shower Costs

Indoor Cost Guides      Shower Doors & Enclosures      Ceramic Tile Shower Costs

Upgrading the bathroom typically has a higher ROI than many other projects, and one of the most beautiful projects to choose in this space is to do a ceramic tile shower installation. Not only is it easy to clean but aesthetically appealing, and sure to be one of the more satisfying projects in your home. Capable of being completed in just a few days’ time, it does come with a wide range of costs based on such factors as the type of tile chosen, the size of the shower, whether or not the right materials are in place (such as cement backer board), and the complexity of the pattern selected.

Ceramic tile shower: 10 sq.ft. - 100 sq.ft. tiling space.

Item Cost
Tiles $0.50 to $85 per square foot
Materials $400
Base $100-$1,000
Removal and disposal of old tiles $400-500
Labor – Includes setting and grouting $10-$20 per square foot
Total $1,050-$9,600

Other considerations and costs

  • It is a good idea also to add extra amounts of tile to allow for breakage or mistakes, with around 10% additional tile serving as a good figure.
  • When any old materials are removed, it is also an excellent time to update the plumbing in the shower and tub area, and you will want to hire a plumber to come in and address your needs.
  • Tub and shower combinations will alter the pricing, reducing it because it will demand fewer tiles to get the work done, along with fewer hours of labor.
  • Labor also does not take into account the replacement of untenable materials with those like cement backer board. Typically, carpenters ask $70 per hour, and you may have to incorporate their services into the budget.
  • If you opt for an unglazed tile, it will need sealant at the end of the installation, averaging a price of $100-$200.
  • Intricate patterns can also boost the costs of a ceramic tile shower installation, increasing rates by as much as 20%.

Check out our guide if you need a loan for your home improvement project.

DIY considerations

  • It is possible to do a ceramic tile installation in the shower as a DIY project, but it is not for the novice or first-time installer.
  • There may be the need to cut tiles to make them fit into the pattern, and this is difficult for even some experienced tiling enthusiasts. It will take a great deal of time and leave too much room for error.
  • There will be the costs of tool rentals to consider, and it is just best to line up an array of professionals to get you your new ceramic tile shower within three or four days.


  • Craftsman Estimator Costbook, complete series year 2019.
  • Latest prices found on Home Depot and other vendor Web sites.
  • Literature review of DIY Web sites.
How much does it cost to install a ceramic tile shower in your city?
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Cost by city

  • New York, NY$8,514
  • Bronx, NY$6,996
  • Brooklyn, NY$5,831
  • Philadelphia, PA$7,274
  • Washington, DC$6,312
  • Atlanta, GA$5,711
  • Miami, FL$5,194
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL$5,441
  • Minneapolis, MN$6,383
  • Chicago, IL$7,437
  • Houston, TX$7,670
  • San Antonio, TX$5,149
  • Austin, TX$5,830
  • Denver, CO$4,926
  • Phoenix, AZ$5,197
  • Las Vegas, NV$5,704
  • Los Angeles, CA$6,427
  • San Diego, CA$5,832
  • San Jose, CA$7,045
  • Seattle, WA$5,158

Local costs have been calculated by accounting for labor and material cost differences across different cities. To get accurate cost estimates, indicate yours: