How Much Does It Cost To Remodel A Basement?


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Basement Remodeling Costs

Professionals & Services Cost Guides      Home Remodeling      Basement Remodeling Costs

You might want to put all of that space to much better use, and basement remodeling can be a fantastic option. There are countless different ways that you can use your basement. If you want to remodel the basement, you will find that the first step is determining what you want to do with your basement, as this will inform the types of changes that you will need to make and the overall cost.

We will be looking at the basic costs for some of the most common remodeling needs for basements. You might find that some of these apply to your project, while others might not. Determine what you want and what you will need to start getting a better idea of your costs. Also, you might want to contact professionals who can come and provide you with an estimate of the costs including the materials and labor.

When hiring a professional to take care of the basement remodeling, be sure to find those with experience, and who can show you a gallery of work they have done in the past. Check their reputation, as well, and be sure to get quotes from several contractors before choosing one.

Basement remodeling: 1,000 sq.ft. basement, mid-range materials, and labor.

Renovation Type Unit Cost (Installed) Total Cost
Framing $1-$2 per sq.ft. $1,000-$2,000
Drywall $2-$3 per sq.ft. $2,000-$6,000
Floors $1.50-$3.00 per sq.ft. $1,500-$3,000
Ceiling $3-$4 per sq.ft. $3,000-$4,000
Total Cost $7.50-$15 per sq.ft. $7,500-$15,000

Other considerations and costs

  • Keep in mind that certain materials can increase the cost, as can the contractor you choose, as labor will vary from location to location.
  • You should also think about the overall square footage in your basement. Naturally, larger basements will cost more to remodel if the entire basement is done.
  • Consider the costs of decorating, painting, and furnishing the basement, as well, not just the basic construction costs. These will vary from project to project, of course.
  • Taxes and permit fees not included.

Check out our guide if you need a loan for your home improvement project.

DIY considerations

  • There are many DIY possibilities with basement remodeling. What you can do will depend on the skills and knowledge you have, as well as the amount of time and energy you will want to spend.
  • Make sure you have the tools you need before you begin, and do not do any work that makes you uncomfortable.
  • When dealing with any plumbing or electrical additions, hiring a professional is the best option.


  • Craftsman Estimator Costbook, complete series year 2019.
  • Latest prices found on Home Depot and other vendor Web sites.
  • Literature review of DIY Web sites.
How much does it cost to remodel a basement in your city?
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Cost by city

  • New York, NY$18,072
  • Bronx, NY$14,850
  • Brooklyn, NY$12,377
  • Philadelphia, PA$15,440
  • Washington, DC$13,398
  • Atlanta, GA$12,122
  • Miami, FL$11,025
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL$11,549
  • Minneapolis, MN$13,548
  • Chicago, IL$15,785
  • Houston, TX$16,281
  • San Antonio, TX$10,929
  • Austin, TX$12,375
  • Denver, CO$10,456
  • Phoenix, AZ$11,032
  • Las Vegas, NV$12,108
  • Los Angeles, CA$13,643
  • San Diego, CA$12,380
  • San Jose, CA$14,954
  • Seattle, WA$10,948

Local costs have been calculated by accounting for labor and material cost differences across different cities. To get accurate cost estimates, indicate yours: