How Much Does It Cost To Install Aluminum Fence?


(200 linear feet)
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Aluminum Fence Costs

Outdoor Cost Guides      Fences & Gates      Aluminum Fence Costs

Attractive and lightweight, aluminum fencing is becoming as popular as more iconic wrought iron or steel fencing and is much easier to install and maintain. The fact that it is also less expensive is appealing to many homeowners, and it appears in all of the same areas that the heavier more costly fencing used to. There are residential styles of aluminum fence to meet different needs, and the style is one of the largest factors affecting pricing.

The national average prices on aluminum fencing vary widely from $7 to more than $60 per foot, and that does not include labor.

Aluminum fence installation: 200 linear feet.

Item Unit Cost Quantity Line Cost
Aluminum fencing $7-$60 per linear foot 200 $1,400-$12,000
Additional materials: posts, connectors, and other items necessary for assembly but which are purchased separately from the fencing. $27.50 per linear foot 200 $5,500
Material Cost $34.50-$87.50 per linear foot 200 $6,900-$17,500
Labor Cost $15-$40 per linear foot 200 $3,000-$8,000
Total Cost $49.50-$127.50 per linear foot 200 $9,900-$25,500


Aluminum fence installation: by type of fence, labor not included.

Item Cost
Black aluminum fencing $60 per panel
Ornamental aluminum fencing $27.50 per foot
Pool surround fencing $60 per panel
Powder-coated aluminum fencing $60 per foot
Privacy fencing $35 per foot


Other considerations and costs

  • Some aluminum fencing costs will have to include the digging and setting of concrete post holes.
  • The total costs of labor can be kept to a minimum if the layout has been planned in advance of ordering the fencing. This is due to the fact that all potential hazards (such as utility lines) are identified and the layout planned around it, and because it can allow the crew doing the installation to tackle preliminary tasks (including setting concrete for posts).
  • Many will opt to add self-closing gates as part of the installation process, and this can be achieved by purchasing the gate component and specialty hinges.
  • The costs will usually increase on sloped or steeply graded lots, and if there are any obstructions such as trees, stumps, boulders or rocks in need of removal, that has to be added to the cost.
  • If security is a major issue or reason for the installation of an aluminum fence, it should be noted that it is not as strong or tamper-resistant as wrought iron and steel.
  • One cost-cutting feature of aluminum fencing is its ability to last for years without the need for paint.

Check out our guide if you need a loan for your home improvement project.

DIY considerations

  • The complexity of installing aluminum fencing makes it a job ideally suited to the professional and not a DIY project. This is particularly true if the installation is on a slope or comes with any significant challenges. And it is also not recommended that the property owner paint the fence, but instead work with experts if that is desired at a later point.


  • Craftsman Estimator Costbook, complete series year 2019.
  • Latest prices found on Home Depot and other vendor Web sites.
  • Literature review of DIY Web sites.
How much does it cost to install aluminum fence in your city?
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Cost by city

(200 linear feet)
  • New York, NY$28,111
  • Bronx, NY$23,100
  • Brooklyn, NY$19,253
  • Philadelphia, PA$24,018
  • Washington, DC$20,842
  • Atlanta, GA$18,857
  • Miami, FL$17,150
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL$17,965
  • Minneapolis, MN$21,075
  • Chicago, IL$24,555
  • Houston, TX$25,327
  • San Antonio, TX$17,001
  • Austin, TX$19,250
  • Denver, CO$16,265
  • Phoenix, AZ$17,160
  • Las Vegas, NV$18,834
  • Los Angeles, CA$21,222
  • San Diego, CA$19,258
  • San Jose, CA$23,261
  • Seattle, WA$17,030

Local costs have been calculated by accounting for labor and material cost differences across different cities. To get accurate cost estimates, indicate yours: