How Much Does It Cost To Install Window Blinds?


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Window Blinds Costs

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Installing window blinds will have a number of variable costs involved. Primarily, there are a number of different styles of blinds to choose from, including simple one-inch blinds that cost $10 or less and specialty faux wood blinds that can cost as much as $80-$100 per set.

Materials are the biggest expense, by far, of a window blinds installation. Labor costs are minimal, with the average handyman charging $10-$20 per window to install blinds. Many professional crews will even take measurements for you and provide all of the necessary hardware and tools.

Window blinds: eight standard windows that measure 27 inches, including labor and materials.
The Cost of window Blinds Installation

Item Cost Per Window
Slat blinds $11-$215
Roller Blinds $8-$140
Cordless Blinds $12-$135
Vertical Blinds $50-$115
Total Cost for Materials $64-$1,720
Labor costs for eight windows $80-$160
Total Cost for Window Blinds $144-$1,880

Other considerations and costs

  • The materials available for blinds will impact what you pay for them. For example, aluminum blinds are really cheap, while custom wooden blinds can cost thousands of dollars.
  • Motorized blinds are available at a premium cost. This will require individual motors at all windows, with a cost of $30 to $80 each.
  • If you’re installing blinds on a lot of windows, ask about buying in bulk. Some stores and installers will offer discounts on large purchases. They may also provide discounts for a full-home install.

DIY considerations

  • You may be able to install basic blinds on your own, with the right tools. Make sure that you have a measuring tape, level, screwdriver, and a power drill with bits.
  • If you have unusually shaped windows, professional installation might be the best choice. Examples include arches, half-circle windows, and other unique designs.
  • You can spend a little more on nicer blinds if you do the work yourself. Consider upgrading to custom blinds or a nicer finish material with your savings.


  • Craftsman Estimator Costbook, complete series year 2019.
  • Latest prices found on Home Depot and other vendor Web sites.
  • Literature review of DIY and arborist Web sites.
How much does it cost to install window blinds in your city?
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Cost by city

  • New York, NY$1,622
  • Bronx, NY$1,333
  • Brooklyn, NY$1,111
  • Philadelphia, PA$1,386
  • Washington, DC$1,203
  • Atlanta, GA$1,088
  • Miami, FL$990
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL$1,037
  • Minneapolis, MN$1,216
  • Chicago, IL$1,417
  • Houston, TX$1,462
  • San Antonio, TX$981
  • Austin, TX$1,111
  • Denver, CO$939
  • Phoenix, AZ$990
  • Las Vegas, NV$1,087
  • Los Angeles, CA$1,225
  • San Diego, CA$1,111
  • San Jose, CA$1,343
  • Seattle, WA$983

Local costs have been calculated by accounting for labor and material cost differences across different cities. To get accurate cost estimates, indicate yours: