How Much Does It Cost To Install A Garbage Disposal?


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Garbage Disposal Installation Costs

Indoor Cost Guides      Furniture Assembly & Installations      Garbage Disposal Installation Costs

Whether it is part of a kitchen remodel or renovation, a replacement, or a new build and kitchen design, the choice to install a garbage disposal is a very good one. They are the single easiest way to avoid issues like clogged drains and make cleaning up a far easier task. They are also affordable and relatively easy and quick to install. However, not all sinks are disposal ready and the cost of a garbage disposal installation is not as straightforward or basic as it might initially seem.

There are factors such as the sink’s sturdiness and anchoring capabilities, the wiring and plumbing available, and more.

Garbage disposal installation: by type, labor included.

Item Cost
Batch feed: this is not as common as the continuous feed and processes waste in batches, as the name implies. They can be safer because they do not activate without a cover in place and when in use no further materials can be added. Ideal for smaller households, they are a bit more complex to install. $370-$400
Continuous feed: the most common type of garbage disposal, they can receive a continuous supply of waste and larger amounts are processed. They have no caps but will need water running to complete a grinding process. $320-$350


Other considerations and costs

  • When calculating the cost of a garbage disposal installation, it is best to budget high in case there is a great deal of preparatory work required. An electrician may be needed to install a grounded outlet for the unit’s energy supplies and this may come at an added cost of $90 or more. A plumber may be required to add the proper fittings at a rate of $60 or more per hour.
  • Most disposals do not come with baffles and these are an additional safety feature that can be ordered with the disposal at a cost of $10-$30.
  • It may be possible to have the disposal and dishwasher’s drain connected to enable the water to run through and help clean out the disposal.
  • If a home has a septic system, it may be wise to invest the $40-$50 to have a treatment dispenser added to the garbage disposal installation.

DIY considerations

  • It is common enough to see a garbage disposal installation described as a DIY project for the advanced enthusiast. It is not a wise decision. There are lots of potential problems, including negative impacts on the countertop, problems with wiring or plumbing, and difficulties with the space available. It is best to pay an expert to handle the work and enjoy the best outcomes possible.


  • Craftsman Estimator Costbook, complete series year 2019.
  • Latest prices found on Home Depot and other vendor Web sites.
  • Literature review of DIY Web sites.
How much does it cost to install a garbage disposal in your city?
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Cost by city

  • New York, NY$578
  • Bronx, NY$475
  • Brooklyn, NY$396
  • Philadelphia, PA$494
  • Washington, DC$429
  • Atlanta, GA$388
  • Miami, FL$353
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL$370
  • Minneapolis, MN$434
  • Chicago, IL$505
  • Houston, TX$521
  • San Antonio, TX$350
  • Austin, TX$396
  • Denver, CO$335
  • Phoenix, AZ$353
  • Las Vegas, NV$387
  • Los Angeles, CA$437
  • San Diego, CA$396
  • San Jose, CA$479
  • Seattle, WA$350

Local costs have been calculated by accounting for labor and material cost differences across different cities. To get accurate cost estimates, indicate yours: