How Much Does It Cost To Repair A Hot Tub?


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Repair Hot Tub Costs

Indoor Cost Guides      Hot Tubs & Spas      Repair Hot Tub Costs

Having a hot tub is a luxury that can help you to unwind and relieve the stresses of the day. The hot tub can be a place to relax, a place to have some quiet time or a place to entertain with family and friends. Of course, when you go to fire up the hot tub and it is not working properly, you might start to panic. If this happens to you, it is important to find someone who can repair the hot tub as soon as possible.

There are many different types of common hot tub problems that can crop up and that could need to be repaired. It might be leaking, or there might be a problem with the heater, for example. There could be issues with the jets, the blower, or the pump. It may not be clear to you what the problem is, so having a professional who can come out and provide a diagnosis and then make the repair.

Hot tub repair: hot tub that needs to be repaired and that has several different problems with it.

Item Unit Cost Quantity Line Cost
Diagnosis $75 fee 1 $75
Defective heating element $115 each 1 $115
Leak $150 each 1 $150
Pump replacement $400 each 1 $400
Labor Cost $250 fee 1 $250
Total Cost $247.50 per repair 4 $990


Other considerations and costs

  • Sometimes, there might be multiple problems with the hot tub that need to be repaired.
  • Having a professional provide regular service to the hot tub a few times a year can cut down on problems and repair costs.
  • When you choose the same company to do the diagnosis and the repair, they may lower or waive their diagnosis fee.
  • If you need to have replacement parts rather than just repairs, the price to repair the hot tub will be higher.

DIY considerations

  • While repairs should be left to the professionals, there are simple things you can do to help maintain the hot tub, such as keeping the filter clean and patching small holes.
  • Large leaks and broken motors should be left to the professionals to repair to ensure your safety and that they are done correctly.


  • Craftsman Estimator Costbook, complete series year 2019.
  • Latest prices found on Home Depot and other vendor Web sites.
  • Literature review of DIY Web sites.
How much does it cost to repair a hot tub in your city?
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Cost by city

  • New York, NY$1,590
  • Bronx, NY$1,307
  • Brooklyn, NY$1,089
  • Philadelphia, PA$1,359
  • Washington, DC$1,179
  • Atlanta, GA$1,067
  • Miami, FL$970
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL$1,016
  • Minneapolis, MN$1,192
  • Chicago, IL$1,389
  • Houston, TX$1,433
  • San Antonio, TX$962
  • Austin, TX$1,089
  • Denver, CO$920
  • Phoenix, AZ$971
  • Las Vegas, NV$1,065
  • Los Angeles, CA$1,201
  • San Diego, CA$1,089
  • San Jose, CA$1,316
  • Seattle, WA$963

Local costs have been calculated by accounting for labor and material cost differences across different cities. To get accurate cost estimates, indicate yours: