How Much Does It Cost To Hire Pest Control Services?


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Pest Control Costs

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Pests come in all shapes and sizes, and getting rid of them is going to vary in cost depending on the type of pests you have and the severity of the infestation. Even having different types of ants could affect the price that you pay for extermination because no two situations are the same. This is not usually billed by labor and materials like many services, but instead as a flat-rate service or per-visit cost.

For related damage, cleanup or debris removal, or other tasks, some exterminators may still charge hourly labor rates. Be sure to check your estimate and see exactly what you are paying for before you hire an exterminator.

Pest control: by type of pest.

Item Cost
Ants (non-carpenter) $250
Carpenter ants $500-$1,000
Termites $1,300-$1,500
Bats $150
Bed bugs $1,000-$2,500
Bees $450
Lice $20-$100
Carpet beetles $250
Cockroaches $300
Dust mites $200-$500
Fleas $270
Ticks $150-$350
Mice and rats $200-$325
Weevils $125-$250
Spiders $200
Wasps $325-$450

Other considerations and costs

  • Many cost estimates only include the initial treatment. You may incur additional charges for follow-up visits, cleaning and sanitization, and other required services.
  • The severity of the infestation will affect the cost significantly. If an exterminator finds any major structural repairs or other problems while taking care of the problem, you may end up spending a lot of money fixing the damage.
  • Some pest control services have different rates or rate structures. When you get an estimate, make sure that you know what it includes and that there are no hidden charges.
  • Any permit fees or other regulatory expenses are not included in cost estimates.
  • If a problem is so severe that you have to leave your home during treatment, you may also have to pay for a hotel stay or a short-term rental property. A good idea is to schedule regular pest inspections for a proactive approach so that this never happens.

DIY considerations

  • There are some pest situations that you may be able to handle on your own. However, pest removal is often dangerous and requires specialized knowledge of the various pests. If you are dealing with a serious infestation or something like a wasp nest that could be deadly, call a professional exterminator.
  • If you plan to use pest removal and control products purchased from your local home improvement store or garden center, make sure that you check the labels for safety and usage requirements. Many of these chemicals are dangerous, making them unsafe in homes with children and pets.
  • Don’t use loose poison in any case. There are bait traps that you can buy if you really want to give them a shot before calling an exterminator, but most pest poisons are also toxic to humans and you don’t want to risk your health or the health of your family.


  • Craftsman Estimator Costbook, complete series year 2019.
  • Latest prices found on Home Depot and other vendor Web sites.
  • Literature review of DIY Web sites.
How much does it cost to hire pest control services in your city?
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Cost by city

  • New York, NY$643-$803
  • Bronx, NY$528-$660
  • Brooklyn, NY$440-$550
  • Philadelphia, PA$549-$686
  • Washington, DC$476-$595
  • Atlanta, GA$431-$539
  • Miami, FL$392-$490
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL$411-$513
  • Minneapolis, MN$482-$602
  • Chicago, IL$561-$702
  • Houston, TX$579-$724
  • San Antonio, TX$389-$486
  • Austin, TX$440-$550
  • Denver, CO$372-$465
  • Phoenix, AZ$392-$490
  • Las Vegas, NV$431-$538
  • Los Angeles, CA$485-$606
  • San Diego, CA$440-$550
  • San Jose, CA$532-$665
  • Seattle, WA$389-$487

Local costs have been calculated by accounting for labor and material cost differences across different cities. To get accurate cost estimates, indicate yours: