How Much Does It Cost To Paint Stucco?


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Stucco Painting Costs

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Stucco painting is a popular choice for Southwestern style homes, as well as for modern homes and anyone looking to add a little texture to the exterior of their home. The cost to paint stucco walls on the exterior of a home will depend on the size of the area being painted, among other factors.

There is more than one type of texturing available when you choose to paint stucco finishes on the exterior of your home. This will also impact how much you pay for your new paint job, along with local labor rates and the cost of paints, prep materials, and disposal costs.

Stucco painting: 1,500 sq.ft.

Item Unit Cost Quantity Line Cost
Paint and supplies $5 per sq.ft. 1,500 $7,500
Primer and texture $3 per sq.ft 1,500 $4,500
Disposal fees $0.50-$1 per sq.ft. 1,500 $750-$1,500
Material Cost $8.50-$9 per sq.ft. 1,500 $12,750-$13,500
Labor Costs $2-$4 per sq.ft. 1,500 $3,000-$6,000
Total Cost $10-$13 per sq.ft. 1,500 $15,000-19,500

Other considerations and costs

  • If you have existing stucco walls, you will be able to take the cost of texture and other prep materials out of your budget. Provided that the surface is in good condition, paint should be all that you need.
  • Some companies and painters will include disposal fees in their estimates. Others will not. Paint and related hazardous materials require special disposal, so be sure to inquire about this.
  • Typically, permits aren’t needed for exterior painting, but you should check with your city or locality to be certain. This cost is not included in the estimate above.
  • If your home was built prior to 1978, you might have to add an additional charge for lead testing. In the event lead is found, abatement will be necessary. This can cost hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of dollars.
  • Adding accent colors could result in additional labor and materials fees, even for small areas.

Check out our guide if you need a loan for your home improvement project.

DIY considerations

  • If you can rent a power washing machine from your local home improvement store, you can save a significant amount on paying the painters to prep your house. Power wash it yourself to get rid of all the mold, mildew, and other dirt buildup for less than $100, in most cases.
  • A sprayer is generally used to paint stucco to ensure an even coating. In this instance, it may be in your best interest not to do the work yourself. Although painting is typically safe as a DIY job, stucco is a unique surface that requires an experienced hand.
  • If your stucco is excessively damaged or worn, you shouldn’t even attempt to clean it on your own before consulting a painter or contractor about redoing the entire exterior or whether it can be saved.
  • Supply your own materials to save a significant amount versus letting your painter bring them along.


  • Craftsman Estimator Costbook, complete series year 2019.
  • Latest prices found on Home Depot and other vendor Web sites.
  • Literature review of DIY Web sites.
How much does it cost to paint stucco in your city?
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Cost by city

  • New York, NY$27,710
  • Bronx, NY$22,770
  • Brooklyn, NY$18,978
  • Philadelphia, PA$23,675
  • Washington, DC$20,544
  • Atlanta, GA$18,587
  • Miami, FL$16,905
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL$17,708
  • Minneapolis, MN$20,774
  • Chicago, IL$24,204
  • Houston, TX$24,965
  • San Antonio, TX$16,758
  • Austin, TX$18,975
  • Denver, CO$16,032
  • Phoenix, AZ$16,915
  • Las Vegas, NV$18,565
  • Los Angeles, CA$20,919
  • San Diego, CA$18,983
  • San Jose, CA$22,929
  • Seattle, WA$16,787

Local costs have been calculated by accounting for labor and material cost differences across different cities. To get accurate cost estimates, indicate yours: