How Much Does It Cost To Remodel A Kitchen?


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Kitchen Remodeling Costs

Professionals & Services Cost Guides      Home Remodeling      Kitchen Remodeling Costs

Kitchen remodeling is a great way to improve your space and improve the value of your home. In order to plan your remodel, you need to understand all of the costs and variables involved in a kitchen renovation project.

Kitchen remodeling made up as much as 78% of home projects in the past year. This is also a project that has a great return on investment, with most kitchen renovations holding 75-80% of their value and improving the value of the home overall. Unlike some renovations, it is important to choose a layout and upgrades that are going to get noticed. If you decide to change the layout of the kitchen, for example, you are going to spend more on the remodel than if you keep the existing space design.

One of the biggest costs associated with kitchen remodeling is the labor fees and contractors that you will need to hire to do the work. Aside from a general contractor, you may also need electricians, plumbers, and even architects if you want a new kitchen design. Since there are so many variables involved in the project, it’s important to think about what you want from this type of project.

Kitchen remodel: 200 square foot space with 30 linear feet of cabinets, counters, and additional budget for unplanned expenses.

Item Unit Cost Quantity Line Cost
Kitchen island $4,500 each 1 $4,500
Counters $10-$500 per square foot 30 $300-$1,500
Cabinets $100-$1,200 per linear foot 30 $3,000-$36,000
Lighting $50-$500 each 10 $500-$5,000
Labor Cost (electrician) $75 per hour 20 $1,500
Labor Cost (plumber) $55-$85 per hour 20 $1,100-$1,700
Labor Cost (carpenter) $70 per hour 30 $2,100
Total Cost $65-$261.50 per sq.ft. 200 $13,000-$52,300

Other considerations and costs

  • New appliances can be another way to upgrade the kitchen easily without spending a lot of money. This will incur an additional charge, but it also garners a huge return on investment.
  • The size of your kitchen will impact the remodeling options that you have based on your budget. If you need to redesign your kitchen, expect to pay a premium fee for a designer and architect.
  • Permits and taxes are not included in this estimate. You may need to get a permit for larger kitchen renovations or even just whatever project you are having done. Some cities and local areas are more particular than others. The average permit costs are around $400.

Check out our guide if you need a loan for your home improvement project.

DIY considerations

  • You may be able to handle some aspects of your own kitchen remodel. However, this is a detailed job that usually requires a lot of skilled trades specialty installations.
  • If you do want to save money, do some of the demo work yourself or consider helping with finishing details. Feel free to ask about bulk discounts on materials and things like waived or discounted delivery or appliance haul away services.


  • Craftsman Estimator Costbook, complete series year 2019.
  • Latest prices found on Home Depot and other vendor Web sites.
  • Literature review of DIY Web sites.
How much does it cost to remodel a kitchen in your city?
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Cost by city

  • New York, NY$52,448
  • Bronx, NY$43,098
  • Brooklyn, NY$35,920
  • Philadelphia, PA$44,812
  • Washington, DC$38,885
  • Atlanta, GA$35,181
  • Miami, FL$31,997
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL$33,517
  • Minneapolis, MN$39,320
  • Chicago, IL$45,812
  • Houston, TX$47,252
  • San Antonio, TX$31,719
  • Austin, TX$35,916
  • Denver, CO$30,346
  • Phoenix, AZ$32,016
  • Las Vegas, NV$35,140
  • Los Angeles, CA$39,594
  • San Diego, CA$35,930
  • San Jose, CA$43,399
  • Seattle, WA$31,773

Local costs have been calculated by accounting for labor and material cost differences across different cities. To get accurate cost estimates, indicate yours: