How Much Does It Cost To Hire A Concrete Removal Service?


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Concrete Removal Costs

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Many home improvement or building projects involve some form of demolition. One of the more challenging types of “demo” is concrete removal. Whether it is a slab, a wall, or another part of a structure, it requires care and specialized tools. In the world of construction projects, it is concrete removal that is most difficult to estimate. It is because there can be unexpected issues or additional tasks.

In this guide, we are going to look at the removal of concrete in a few forms, including walls, foundations, and sidewalks or patios, since they are the most common forms in which concrete is found. Keep in mind that knocking down or tearing up concrete is not the whole story. It must also be loaded into a vessel and transported elsewhere for disposal or recycling. Renting tools or paying experts to do the concrete removal will have those processes included in the total estimated costs, below.

Concrete removal: 200 square feet.

Item Cost
Labor $400-$5,000
Disposal (reinforced concrete) $600
Disposal (unreinforced concrete) $400
Dumpster rental $500
Loader $325 per day
Jackhammer and tool rental $75 per day
Total Cost $1,700-$6,500

Other considerations and costs

  • Reinforced concrete features “rebar” that ends up holding the concrete together in large chunks, and necessitating the use of a lifter to get it into a disposal vehicle.
  • Depending upon location, it may be necessary for you to have the local utility company come out and ensure that there are no electrical lines, water lines, or other utilities at risk during the concrete removal.
  • Permits may be necessary for any slab or wall removal, and your contractor can tell you if that is an option.
  • If planning to remove because of cracks or unsightly damage, it may be less costly to hire an expert to do an evaluation of the concrete and help you determine if a repair is a more viable option. At around $5 per square foot, it is a far less costly and labor-intensive choice.

Check out our guide if you need a loan for your home improvement project.

DIY considerations

  • It is possible to tackle concrete removal on a DIY basis, but be aware of some factors that may make it wiser to hire experts.
  • Even a small concrete pad made of reinforced concrete can weigh thousands of pounds and require a lift to get big chunks into a truck.
  • If hauling independently to a local recycler or processor, it will mean renting a heavy-duty vehicle at an hourly rate of $40 or more. It will also be up to you to ensure proper safety inspections and permits are pulled, and to pay for the tool rentals that can include jackhammers and diamond bladed saws. Such rentals are incredibly costly, with diamond blade concrete saws often running into the hundreds of dollars.


  • Craftsman Estimator Costbook, complete series year 2019.
  • Latest prices found on Home Depot and other vendor Web sites.
  • Literature review of DIY Web sites.
How much does it cost to hire a concrete removal service in your city?
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Cost by city

  • New York, NY$6,586
  • Bronx, NY$5,412
  • Brooklyn, NY$4,511
  • Philadelphia, PA$5,627
  • Washington, DC$4,883
  • Atlanta, GA$4,418
  • Miami, FL$4,018
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL$4,209
  • Minneapolis, MN$4,938
  • Chicago, IL$5,753
  • Houston, TX$5,934
  • San Antonio, TX$3,983
  • Austin, TX$4,510
  • Denver, CO$3,811
  • Phoenix, AZ$4,020
  • Las Vegas, NV$4,413
  • Los Angeles, CA$4,972
  • San Diego, CA$4,512
  • San Jose, CA$5,450
  • Seattle, WA$3,990

Local costs have been calculated by accounting for labor and material cost differences across different cities. To get accurate cost estimates, indicate yours: