How Much Does It Cost To Apply Concrete Floor Coating?


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Concrete Floor Coating Costs

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Concrete floors are rough when finished, and for the most part, that is not a problem. However, many homeowners realize that they are eager to improve the texture, looks, and durability of their concrete floors and use different coatings to achieve such ends. Steps of this kind have even appeared in interior design in such areas as apartments and many urban spaces.

Not only can opting to seal the concrete floor make it look and feel better, but it can protect it against stains, damage, and wear. Though easy to install, it is high maintenance, and so the use of some sort of concrete floor coating is a great choice. Options include epoxies, stains, polyurethane coating, and other sealants.

Though it may seem easy enough to spread out a coating and wait for it to do its magic, it is a complicated process that is best left in the hands of experts. Of course, by working with experts, you can also take advantage of the many innovative products available for just such a purpose. For example, experts can make your concrete appear to have different textures or even take on the look of luxury materials like wood or marble.

Concrete floor coating: 200 sq.ft. garage floor.

Item Cost
Concrete Sealer $120-$200 per five-gallon pail
Concrete Stain $4 per square foot
Concrete Paint $4 per square foot
Polymer Modified Overlay $6 per square foot
Epoxy $15 per square foot
Labor Cost $2-$30 square foot
Total Cost $2,120-$16,000

Other considerations and costs

  • It may be necessary for repairs to be effected before any concrete coatings can be applied, and this will cost around $5 per square foot.
  • It may be wise to use a concrete primer if oils and other materials have stained the floor. Primer also helps paint adhere and bond better, and will cost around $4 per square foot.

Check out our guide if you need a loan for your home improvement project.

DIY considerations

  • It is entirely possible to tackle this as a DIY project, with average costs around $110, or more. However, because you want the best outcomes, it is a good idea to instead consult with experts who can suggest the best type of coating and apply it correctly.


  • Craftsman Estimator Costbook, complete series year 2019.
  • Latest prices found on Home Depot and other vendor Web sites.
  • Literature review of DIY Web sites.
How much does it cost to apply concrete floor coating in your city?
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Cost by city

  • New York, NY$14,554
  • Bronx, NY$11,959
  • Brooklyn, NY$9,967
  • Philadelphia, PA$12,435
  • Washington, DC$10,790
  • Atlanta, GA$9,762
  • Miami, FL$8,879
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL$9,301
  • Minneapolis, MN$10,911
  • Chicago, IL$12,712
  • Houston, TX$13,112
  • San Antonio, TX$8,802
  • Austin, TX$9,966
  • Denver, CO$8,421
  • Phoenix, AZ$8,884
  • Las Vegas, NV$9,751
  • Los Angeles, CA$10,987
  • San Diego, CA$9,970
  • San Jose, CA$12,043
  • Seattle, WA$8,817

Local costs have been calculated by accounting for labor and material cost differences across different cities. To get accurate cost estimates, indicate yours: