How Much Does It Cost To Install Wall Gas Furnace Heating?


(wall gas furnace 22,000 BTU/h - upgrade 1)
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Wall Gas Furnace Heating Costs

Indoor Cost Guides      Air-Conditioning & Heating (HVAC)      Wall Gas Furnace Heating Costs

The domestic wall-furnace provides for heating a single zone without ducting other than a vent to the exterior.

Sizing the furnace per area of heated zones depends primarily on the regional climate assuming that house insulation properties are adequate. In the colder regions about 70 BTU per hour (BTU/h) are required per square foot of heating zone, in the warmer regions about 35 BTU/h are required per square foot.

The cost to install average gas wall-furnace heating depends upon type, heating capacity, preparation and special needs, and the labor rate.

In the following table the Labor Cost figure is what the able and prepared DIY persons should expect to save by performing the corresponding tasks.

Wall gas furnace heating: install unit to heat a single zone; include delivery, all material, equipment, and waste.

Item Unit Cost Quantity Line Cost
Furnace: 10,000 BTU/h heating output, for single zone heating. Includes typical vent and pipe modification. $513 each 1 $513
Upgrade 1: additional cost to install unit of 22,000 BTU/h heating output in colder climate. $156 each 1 $156
Upgrade 2: additional cost to install unit of 35,000 BTU/h heating output in colder climate. $92 each 1 $92
Material Cost $761 each 1 $761
+ Labor Cost (all scenarios) $42 per hour 3 $126
Total Cost $887 each 1 $887

Other considerations and costs

  • These prices are for service in the immediate area of the provider.
  • Taxes and permit fees are not included.
  • Energy efficiency subsidies may apply.
  • Gas furnaces require the installation of both an exterior vent and a gas-pipe supply.
  • The cost to operate the furnace follows the cost of gas in the region.
  • All types require strict compliance with all pertinent local codes and regulations.
  • During contractor inspection the homeowner should be informed of any repair concerns like rot or revised code requirements, and any cost to adapt the existing structure.

DIY considerations

  • In the very best of cases this installation may be suitable for the able DIY persons, but home insurance or local codes may require a licensed or certified installer.
  • In all cases there can arise issues best left to professionals to resolve on the spot.


  • Craftsman Estimator Costbook, complete series year 2015.
  • Latest prices found on Home Depot and other vendor Web sites.
  • Literature review of DIY Web sites.​
How much does it cost to install wall gas furnace heating in your city?
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Cost by city

(wall gas furnace 22,000 BTU/h - upgrade 1)
  • New York, NY$1,277
  • Bronx, NY$1,049
  • Brooklyn, NY$875
  • Philadelphia, PA$1,091
  • Washington, DC$947
  • Atlanta, GA$857
  • Miami, FL$779
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL$816
  • Minneapolis, MN$957
  • Chicago, IL$1,115
  • Houston, TX$1,151
  • San Antonio, TX$772
  • Austin, TX$875
  • Denver, CO$739
  • Phoenix, AZ$780
  • Las Vegas, NV$856
  • Los Angeles, CA$964
  • San Diego, CA$875
  • San Jose, CA$1,057
  • Seattle, WA$774

Local costs have been calculated by accounting for labor and material cost differences across different cities. To get accurate cost estimates, indicate yours: